Teams information

The north of Portugal is known for its high and dry weather in the summer, especially in the month of August and in the interior side of the country, far from the ocean. Prado is exactly a place where this happens and temperatures can reach 40ºC easy in a peak day.

With the event being run in June temperatures should be in mid 20s, with some morning and evening a little lower.

The water temperature you will probably find it warm, depending on the outside temperature. It can go from 15 to 20ºC, and in very hot days even more as the place has not many flow and it is not deep, at least in front of club house.


All team entries, numerical and nominal, must be done online through SDP system from ICF.


Entries can only be submitted by the National Federation through the online entries system SDP by the specified closing date [midnight European time/ European summer time GMT+ 1 or GMT +2].

Anyone having issues accessing the system or with the entries should contact ECA Event Manager at [email protected]

Please ensure the personnel responsible for submitting athlete profiles and entries on SDP first check whether an athlete is already in the database for another discipline before adding the athlete. Any athlete can have additional disciplines added to their record as required by checking the box for their new discipline in the profile. This will ensure all competition entries and results will be attributed to the one profile.

The preliminary entries, travel and accommodation requests must be done at using your NF' s Login and password used in the past events done in Portugal. If your NF does not have a user and password please contact us to [email protected] with the topic NF LOGIN.

We will need to be provided with a proof of being someone from the NF's to contact us.

After the approval from the organization you will receive a new email with your login details and you are ready to proceed.

The entries system will be on line and available in following dates:

At SDP system

Numerical entries until April 21th 

Nominal Entries until May 26th


Preliminary entries from January 2025 to 31 of June.

Accommodation: Opens in February 2022 until 30 of April.( after April 30th, 10% will be added to the packages prices)

Travel info: Open in February 2025 and must be sent at least until May 2nd  [to avoid price increasing].


The Organizing Committee will use the International Canoe Federation protocol guidelines for the participation system. All team members must pay a fee of 35 Euros per person per day during the access period [week of the event].

This fee includes:
Organisation Fee
Lunch at the venue
Free drinkable water
Accreditation costs
Transport by shuttle busses between venue and the accommodation
Fees for the use of the venue and its facilities
Medical care at the venue
Security service at the venue
Team cars and trailer parking
Supply of water at specific locations at the Venue
Access to other miscellaneous services and equipment at the venue, like free wifi etc.
The participation fee applies from the day of arrival of the person to the last day of competition on Sunday.

The Participation Fee will not be charged to ECA Officers [including ECA Jury, Technical Officials, ECA Sponsors and Suppliers, Board of Directors, ECA Headquarters Staff, ECA future Championships organizers up to 4 people from each organizing committee, NF Presidents and Secretary Generals as registered with ECA, not part of the NF team management.

The Participating fee does NOT include the transport from and to the airport. Extra fees will apply.

The Participating fee is already included in the prices for our accommodation packages. The fee must only be paid for those who decided not to book accommodation through our organizing committee.

Lodging options

The Organizing Committee has established protocols with local hotels to provide several options for accommodation and assure reasonable rates. The main focus for accommodation will be in the cities of
Ponte de Lima and Viana do Castelo.
Other accommodations are also planned to be able to guarantee enoguh beds for all participants.
The accommodation categories and number of beds were established according to the statistics from the past European Championships organizations.
Different zones of accommodation are divided by letters. There will be accommodaiton in Ponte de Lima and  Viana do Castelo. The longest distance to the venue is 35 minutes by car.

Accommodation package fee is to be paid for the length of the team’s stay during the access period which starts on Monday  June 2nd and ends on Sunday, June 8th.

All above prices are on per person per day basis, full board (three meals per day).

Lunch will be served at the Venue.

Please keep in mind that because of limited availability of hotel rooms in various categories reservations will be accepted on a ‘first-come, first-served’ basis which means your team will be redirected to a different category than initially requested if there is not enough space left in the required category. Also your reservation is only confirmed with the 1st payment being done.

Some of the provided hotel options include dinner or at the venue or in a close by restaurant.
The Organizing Committee does not take responsibility for any extra service of the hotel, like mini-bar, telephone, parking, etc.,these costs are to be paid directly to the hotel.
In case your team would cause any damage to the rooms you are to pay for it at the hotel before the checkout.

Prices include 3 meals per day and the participating fee.
According to the accommodation options, there is two different prices, one if the reservation and 100% payment is done until the end of march and a different price is this is done after this deadline.

More information on the Lodging options at the official bulletin #1 published in the documents area

Insurance and Medical Care
The event will be covered by a civil responsibility insurance in case of damage of 3rd party elements at the venue.
All hospital services provided in our public health care service must be paid directly by the athlete or by the National Federation he/she represents.

Medical assistance at the venue will be provided for first aid and it is included in the daily fee. Urgent or more complicated cases will be taken into hospital. Transportation service will be responsibility of the organizing committee.

Visa information
All countries identified in the Bulletin #1 are required to request a visa to enter Portugal.
The Organizing Committee thought the Portuguese Canoe Federation will be available to make invitation letter to those who need it.
Only persons inside the SDP ICF system and accredited for the event will be able to apply for this invitation letter.

Requests should be sent to Teams Management at [email protected]


The official rental service will be NELORENTAL provided by our partner NELO.
All queries should be made at

Other Portuguese boats manufacturers will also be available for rentals, please feel free to contact them:
SIPRE: [email protected]
ELIO: [email protected]
Zedtech: [email protected]
Connect: [email protected]

federação portuguesa de canoagem international canoe federation canoe europe